
Research & Education

The world’s longest ice tank (which holds 76 metres of ice), a towing tank, and a wave tank are all under the same roof at the National Research Council’s Institute for Ocean Technology (IOT-NRC), and the Marine Institute’s flume tank is less than one kilometre away. The co-location of comparable facilities in such close proximity is unmatched anywhere in the world.

The Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University of Newfoundland is recognized as one of the most respected centres for marine learning and applied research in the world. Specialized training and applied research centres include:

  • Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development
  • Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Resource
  • Offshore Safety and Survival Centre
  • Safety and Emergency Response Training Centre
  • Centre for Marine Simulation
  • School of Ocean Technology Applied Research
  • MI International
  • Centre for Fisheries Ecosystems Research

The centrifuge at C-CORE is used for small-scale physical tests and performance modeling of ice keel-seabed interaction, soil pipeline response, and other seabed-related tests.    

Memorial University is leading the country in terms of both research growth and research in the offshore technology and oceans sector. In the past five years, Memorial’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has generated approximately $52 million in R&D funding, published 1,000 papers, secured 180 grants and graduated more than 200 graduate students from the program.

The Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science has the only Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering degree program in Canada.