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Marine Institute – Centre for Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC)
The Offshore Safety and Survival Centre (OSSC) is a training and applied research unit operated by the Marine Institute of Memorial University. The OSSC offers a comprehensive range of safety and emergency response training courses to the offshore petroleum, marine transportation, fishing and land based industries. It also undertakes applied research related to safety of ocean operations. Through the affiliated Safety and Emergency Response Training (SERT) Centre located in Stephenville, emergency response training is also offered to the aviation industry.
The OSSC has an extensive array of facilities and equipment to support its activities including:
- A large survival tank complete with helicopter underwater escape trainer (HUET).
- Fire training ground with marine, offshore petroleum and helicopter fire simulators, fire pumper truck and emergency response vehicle.
- Marine base outfitted with a variety of lifeboat and fast rescue craft / launching devices.
- Seagoing marine training vessel.
Ocean Technology Markets: Offshore Oil and Gas; Marine Transportation; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Marine Recreation
Core Technology Competencies: Research & Development related to Ocean Safety
Cluster Affiliation: Training and applied research unit institute of operated by Ocean Safety – Marine Institute of Memorial University.
Percentage of Annual Revenues from Ocean Technology Activities: 100