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Marine Institute – Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD)
The Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD) is a comprehensive industrial response unit within the School of Fisheries at the Fisheries and Marine Institute of Memorial University. The Centre is internationally recognized for its applied scientific and technical expertise, comprehensive research facilities and commitment to clients in the seafood processing and aquaculture industries.
CASD employs scientists and technicians and undertakes contractual technical support services to the seafood and aquaculture sectors.
The Centre focuses on three main theme areas:
- Seafood Processing
- Aquaculture
- Marine Bioprocessing
CASD possesses the largest pilot plant facilities of its kind in Atlantic Canada, with a combined area of nearly 1,400 square metres. Facilities include a 1,100 square metre state-of-the-art food processing pilot plant, an aquaculture facility and a marine bioprocessing facility.
The Centre for Aquaculture and Seafood Development (CASD) offers a complete range of services for the seafood processing and aquaculture industries in the areas of applied research, product and process development, technology transfer, advisory services and education and training.
CASD’s capabilities are organized in the following three areas:
Services span the entire value chain from:
- post harvest handling and holding technologies
- equipment design and prototype development
- product and process development
- pilot scale processing of test market samples, through to by-product utilization for the seafood processing sector
Likewise an egg to plate approach is available for aquaculture clients with services ranging from:
- site selection
- diet development and formulation
- development of land-based live holding systems to
- aquatic health services
Ocean Technology Markets: Fisheries and Aquaculture
Core Technology Competencies: Process automation; Robotics; Monitoring systems; Pilot Plant Facilities; Analytical Labs
Cluster Affiliation: Research and development unit under the School of Fisheries, Marine Institute of Memorial University.
Percentage of Annual Revenues from Ocean Technology Activities: 100