Membership Directory


LGL Limited, a Canadian company, has been conducting environmental research and consulting since 1971. LGL offices are located in St. John’s, Toronto, British Columbia, Alaska, Texas, Russia and Fiji. Clients include all levels of government, energy and oil industries, engineering companies, First Nations, legal firms, NGO’s, and others.

LGL has successfully concluded contracts throughout Canada, the United States, South Pacific, Caribbean, Africa, Indian Ocean, Denmark, Russia, and Australia. Expert services include study design; habitat, fish, bird and wildlife surveys; telemetry and sonic tracking; impact assessment; environmental effects monitoring; bird and wildlife control; environmental damage assessment and restoration; environmental management and planning; database management; stock assessment; ecological genetics; and expert testimony.

Ocean Technology Markets: Offshore Oil and Gas; Fisheries and Aquaculture; Environmental Science

Core Technology Competencies: Environmental Science; Information Systems, Sensors, Communications; Risk Management and Loss Control

Cluster Affiliation: Core Company

Percentage of Annual Revenues from Ocean Technology Activities: 90