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College of the North Atlantic – Office of Applied Research and Innovation
College of the North Atlantic (CNA) has been and continues to be a major workforce provider to Newfoundland and Labrador’s Oceans Industries. Through its more than 100 programs across the Schools of Engineering Technology, Business and IT, Health Sciences, Industrial Trades and Applied Arts, many of its students find careers in the ocean technology sector.
Nodes of research and development activity are present throughout the multiple campuses of the College of the North Atlantic (CNA) in Newfoundland and Labrador. These activities focus on the application of new knowledge to sustainable economic activity and on providing solutions to industry and community needs.
The Office of Applied Research and Innovation (OARI) leads and supports these research and development activities. It also leads the College’s Research and Innovation Network which coordinates the expertise and facilities within these nodes with that of the private and public sector through partnerships.
Active research and development projects in ocean technology include:
- Development of a robotic crab processing machine to support automation in the fishery
- Harnessing wave power in remote coastal areas. Applications include electrical generation and water pumping required by aquaculture sites.
- Petroleum Applications of Wireless Systems (PAWS) aims at developing a fully automated wireless control system for oil and gas installations.
- The Effects of environmental conditions, varying pulse lengths, power, antenna lengths, and antenna polarizations on the performance of sigma S6 radar
- Through numerous capstone projects supporting oceans technology and facilities within the College’s 17 campus network, such as the Manufacturing Technology Centre, the Wave Environment Research Centre and Applied Mineralogy Lab, CNA is a key partner for oceans technology development in the province.
Ocean Technology Markets: Fisheries and Aquaculture; Offshore Oil and Gas;
Core Technology Competencies: Prototyping; Convertible Energy Systems; Information Systems, Sensors and Communications; Product Testing; Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS); high resolution photography
Cluster Affiliation: Education, training and applied research and development institute
Percentage of Annual Revenues from Ocean Technology Activities: N/A