Membership Directory

Canadian Manufacturers and Exporters – Newfoundland and Labrador (CME-NL)
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, NATIONAL
CME’s members are Canada’s leading manufacturing and exporting businesses. Together, they account for an estimated 75 per cent of Canada’s manufacturing production and 90 per cent of Canadian goods and services exports. While CME’s membership includes Canada’s largest businesses, more than 85 per cent of its members are small and mid-sized enterprises. Through its partnerships with other associations, CME’s network extends to more than 100,000 companies from coast to coast, engaged in manufacturing, global business and service-related industries.
The CME’s true north is to provide its members with World Class:
- Leadership
- Value and
- Engagement
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, NEWFOUNDLAND & LABRADOR
As the provincial division of the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters Association, CME-NL represents the needs of businesses in all sectors of manufacturing and exporting across Newfoundland & Labrador. CME-NL’s mandate is to promote the competitiveness of our province’s manufacturers and the success of Newfoundland & Labrador goods and services exporters to local, national and global markets.
CME-NL is responsive to its members’ needs, and as such, consistently focus on the issues that are current and most critical to its members’ success. These issues necessarily vary for all members, but they include:
- People and skills training
- Competitiveness
- US business opportunities
- International markets
- Energy and the environment
- Continuous improvement
- and much more.
As a member of the Newfoundland & Labrador division, your business is our business.
We describe ourselves as the FACE of our province’s manufacturers, representing members needs through the following means:
- Facilitation
- Advocacy
- Communication
- Education
CME-NL currently facilitates manufacturing consortiums and networks province wide, as well as the provinces Manufacturing Excellence Council. To become a member or learn about a group in your area, please contact David Haire, VP, CME-NL, VP, Lean Atlantic, via email at [email protected], or via phone (709) 685-5820. To learn more about other facilitation activities, please contact Jackie Field, Operations Manager, CME-NL, via email at [email protected] or via phone at (709) 237-8711.
The Manufactured Right Here™ program is an exclusive program of the Newfoundland & Labrador division– the only one of its kind nationwide, advocating for products and services made right here in Newfoundland and Labrador. To learn more and/or become a member of the Manufactured Right Here™ program, please click here.
The CME-NL is believes communication and relationship building between its members and key stakeholders is key to continued progress in the sector. In this regard, CME-NL recently re-launched its e-newsletter, communicating industry trends and intelligence, as well as training and best practices at the local level. CME-NL also uses social media such as the Manufactured Right Here™ Facebook page and LinkedIn page, as well as Twitter, and finally, CME-NL partners with Manufacturing Insights to create videos about joint initiatives transforming the industry in NL.
For the latest news and information about manufacturing in Newfoundland and Labrador, check out the following…
E-Newsletter: Download the latest issue of our Manufactured Right Here™ newsletter here.
Facebook: Like our Manufactured Right Here™ page by clicking here.
LinkedIn: Join our Manufactured Right Here™ page by clicking here.
Twitter: Follow us at @CME_NL
Best practices are always being improved, and at CME-NL we’re all about continuous improvement. With the support of government and other key stakeholders, partnerships CME-NL is continuously researching best practices in HR, technology advancements, green practices, research and innovation, and LEAN training for our members. To learn about upcoming training, please click here.